Thursday, May 6, 2021

Why You Should Read Books?


Reading is a paradise in itself that gives incomparable pleasure. For a bookworm, it would be better to stay at home during the holidays by devouring his book collection than by doing other outdoor activities.

However, this is not the case with the millennial generation. A study reveals that the day the interest in reading books manually decreases. One of the reasons is the emergence of digital technology which diverts reading material to the world of e-books.

If everyone understands how fun it is to open sheet by sheet and smell the smell of paper, surely many will be addicted to reading books in a traditional way. Well, find another encouragement about the right reasons to pause with the book in the narrative below.

Here's Why You Should Read Books

1. Reading can increase intelligence

Entering the world of books can open up the whole world before you. By reading books, there are many things that you will learn indirectly. The more you study, the more places in the world you will explore.

Books given to children affect up to 50% in exposing more vocabulary than when they watch television. Exposure to this new vocabulary indicates a higher intelligence score in a person.

Meanwhile, reading through cellphones or e-books is suspected to slow down a person's movement by up to 30%.

2. Increase brain power

Reading (whatever it is) is known to improve memory function by giving your brain a good kind of exercise. This is certainly an interesting thing for the elderly, because with regular reading practice, it will help keep the mind even sharper.

This is the reason why reading therapy can help help patients who are struggling with Alzheimer's disease.

3. Make you more empathetic

Good reading books like literary fiction can make it easier for you to dive into other people's thoughts.

The impact is even more significant and felt on those who are avid readers of literature than those who like non-fiction.

4. Make you feel more relaxed

A study says that ending the day with reading after a day of activity and feeling stressed can reduce the tension you feel. By getting into the core of a book, we will be invited to forget about worries and pressures, and then get lost in the author's imagination.

5. Can help those of you who have trouble sleeping

If you often experience insomnia or sleep disorders, try reading before bed.

Gradually your brain will get used to it and send signals to your body that you are ready to rest. However, this effort will only work if you use traditional books, because in fact, reading on a tablet or cellphone actually keeps the brain and body awake longer.

6. Develop critical thinking skills

Reading requires someone who is willing to think and process the information that is available to him. The more you read, the wider your understanding of many things in the world will be. This is what encourages you to become a more critical and sharp-minded person.

7. Improve writing skills

Reading good quality books can help you become a good writer too. Many famous writers have achieved their abilities by reading the writings of their idol writers.

8. Improve focus and concentration

In a modern lifestyle that requires us to be able to do any task, our minds and bodies are forced to do something beyond their limits. This is what often triggers a person to lose focus.

However, by reading books, you will learn to focus, because all your attention is required when it comes to dealing with books. Read the book for at least 20 minutes a day, and feel the difference.

9. Is a productive hobby

Even though it seems like a monotonous activity, on the contrary, being diligent in reading keeps our minds working. From there, a lot of creative ideas flow after we finish a book.

10. Affordable entertainment

Compared to other types of entertainment, reading books is the cheapest way you can get to refresh your mind. You can even get it for free by visiting the library.

While cheap and seemingly plain, reading can have the same effect as spending hundreds of thousands on having fun.

11. Motivate life

Reading books by motivators or inspirational figures can give us motivation to change our way of life and develop for the better.

12. Improve health

Many books are great self-help that can help you reduce depression and even improve your physical health. Apart from all that, reading books can increase our awareness of the importance of maintaining mental and physical health.

13. Build self-esteem

By reading various books, you already have the information and knowledge about many things. This will help you appear more confident and have more communication skills.

14. Improve morale

Books have the ability to help us discern what is good and what is bad. Reading allows us to learn about different approaches to the environment and how to solve problems.

15. Understand history

History has played a big part in our life. By reading history books, we come to understand about the past and how it still affects our lives in the present.

Reading books is the best and cheapest way we can get to enjoy refreshing, build self-confidence, as well as a means of improving body health.


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